
Corrosion in Titanium Dental Implants/Prostheses

The general consensus about the most corrosion resistant biocompatible metallicbiomaterials are the special metals namely-titanium, niobium, tantalum and their alloys, followed by cobalt based alloys and […]

Lymphatics and Spread of Dental Infection

The lymphatic system is a part of the overall lymphoid system of the body and a component of the immune system of the body. It is […]

Space infection jaw

Submandibular space infection is a rapidly spreading, bilateral, indurated cellulitis occurring in the suprahyoid soft tissues, the floor of the mouth, and both sublingual and submaxillary […]

Tooth abscess

A tooth abscess is a collection of infected material (pus) in the center of a tooth. It is due to bacterial infection

Dental Implant Problems & Causes of Failure

As with any other surgical procedure, there are a variety of internal and external factors that cause complications or even total failure of the treatment. Dental […]

A description of the maxillary implant

The necessity for the former complicated preprosthetic surgical procedures to facilitate the partial dentures has recently been decreased with the widespread construction of implant-supported prosthesis. Nevertheless, […]

Local Anesthesia

Sometimes your dentist needs to numb a part of your mouth. He or she injects medicine into your gum or inner cheek. This medicine is called […]

Elderly Implant

The medical evaluation remains of paramount importance in implant dentistry, perhaps more so than in other disciplines of dentistry.2 Implant treatment is primarily a surgical, prosthetic, […]

dental implants and maxillary

The alveolar bone loss principally initiates with the tooth loss and this state may complicate the ideal placement of the implants. A number of surgical methods […]